During a recent penetration test, we had to test a REST API. This is nothing special, as usual for REST APIs, JWT was used for authentication. JWTs are generally short-lived, so we quickly reached our limits during testing, because the tokens quickly became invalid and we had to retreive new ones manually and then replace the old tokens in ZAPs request editor.
Since this is very cumbersome, I have developed a small script that handles the authentication and replacement of the tokens:
import json
import time
import datetime
import random
import string
import urllib
import base64
import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpRequestHeader as HttpRequestHeader
import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpHeader as HttpHeader
import org.zaproxy.zap.extension.script.ScriptVars as GlobalVariables
import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpMessage as HttpMessage
import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HtmlParameter as HtmlParameter
import org.parosproxy.paros.network.HttpSender as HttpSender
import java.net.HttpCookie as HttpCookie
from org.apache.commons.httpclient import URI
from synchronize import make_synchronized
import org.openqa.selenium.By as By
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit as TimeUnit
import org.apache.http.client.utils.URLEncodedUtils as URLEncodedUtils
import java.nio.charset.Charset as Charset;
import java.net.URLEncoder as URLEncoder
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets as StandardCharsets
#those are global variable names
ACCESS_TOKEN = "access_token";
#here we define the login url, username and password
KEYCLOAK_URL = "https://keycloakurl/auth/realms/realm-name/protocol/openid-connect/token"
USERNAME = "user";
PASSWORD = "pass";
#msg is the intercepted message
def sendingRequest(msg, initiator, helper):
accessToken = GlobalVariables.getGlobalVar(ACCESS_TOKEN)
# is there already a token?
if accessToken is not None:
if tokenHasExpired(accessToken) == False:
setAccessTokenInHttpMessage(accessToken, msg);
#At this line, the token is invalid and we need a new one
accessToken = refreshAccessToken(helper);
setAccessTokenInHttpMessage(accessToken, msg);
def login(helper):
#we need to create a new HTTP message (to send the login request)
requestUri = URI(KEYCLOAK_URL, False);
msg = HttpMessage();
#we set the headers, the credentials are submitted as Base64 encoded 'Authorization' header
requestHeader = HttpRequestHeader(HttpRequestHeader.POST, requestUri, HttpHeader.HTTP10);
requestHeader.setHeader("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded");
requestHeader.setHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + toBase64(USERNAME, PASSWORD))
#we need to set our request body
formBody = "grant_type=client_credentials"
#now we send the request
authenticatedJsonResponseObject = json.loads(str(msg.getResponseBody()));
accessToken = authenticatedJsonResponseObject.get("access_token");
accessTokenExpiryInSeconds = authenticatedJsonResponseObject.get("expires_in");
#now we return a dictionary containing the token and expiry time
return dict({"accessToken": accessToken, "accessTokenExpiryInSeconds": accessTokenExpiryInSeconds})
def refreshAccessToken(helper):
accessToken = GlobalVariables.getGlobalVar(ACCESS_TOKEN);
if accessToken is not None and tokenHasExpired(accessToken) == False:
return accessToken;
#otherwise, we need to clear the expired token and/or get a new one
accessTokenDict = login(helper);
#and refill the global variables with the new token
setAccessTokenInGlobalVariables(accessTokenDict["accessToken"], accessTokenDict["accessTokenExpiryInSeconds"]);
return accessTokenDict["accessToken"];
def toBase64(username, password):
return base64.b64encode(username + ":" + password)
def setAccessTokenInHttpMessage(accessToken, msg):
#the intercepted message is equipped with the Bearer token
msg.getRequestHeader().setHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + accessToken);
def clearAccessTokenFromGlobalVariables():
GlobalVariables.setGlobalVar(ACCESS_TOKEN, None);
GlobalVariables.setGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATION_TIMESTAMP, None);
GlobalVariables.setGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_IN_SECONDS, None);
def setAccessTokenInGlobalVariables(accessToken, expiryInSeconds):
GlobalVariables.setGlobalVar(ACCESS_TOKEN, str(accessToken));
#for an easier script, we do not use IAT from the JWT, instead we just set the creatin timestamp to now, we dont care about one or two seconds difference :)
GlobalVariables.setGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATION_TIMESTAMP, time.time());
GlobalVariables.setGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_IN_SECONDS, expiryInSeconds);
def tokenHasExpired(accessToken):
accessTokenCreationTimestamp = GlobalVariables.getGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATION_TIMESTAMP);
currentTime = time.time();
difference = currentTime - accessTokenCreationTimestamp;
accessTokenExpiryInSeconds = GlobalVariables.getGlobalCustomVar(ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRY_IN_SECONDS);
if difference > accessTokenExpiryInSeconds:
return True;
return False;
def responseReceived(msg, initiator, helper):
#we do not need this, but it is useful for debugging
This little scripts intercepts every message, checks if there is an access token in the global variables store. If not, it requests a new JWT using the provided username and password.
If there is already a token, the script checks if it is expired and if so, it also requests a new one.
Last but not least the script sets the access token as Authorization header, so all requests are authorized.
This is extremely useful during longer manual testing sessions or when tunneling traffic through ZAP, for example during sqlmap scans.
You can find the script in my GitHub repository
To use it, simply create a new HTTPSender script with the Python engine and enable it. For further information or debugging, it is useful to read the Javadoc of the GlobalVariables, the HttpSenderScript as well as the HttpMessage object.
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